Cleaning In the USA
Tomorrow We Chose a President
By the time you read this, it will all be over. Here’s my prediction. Bush by as much as 10%, but more than likely by 5 to 7%. I just don’t see the country electing a peace nic while we are at war. Beyond that, Kerry is too liberal for my liking. I think people should work for what they get, not have it handed to them as the Democratic Party is known for doing.
I find it interesting how divided the country is on this election. Whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, most people tend to be more emotional than logical in their decision as to whom to vote for. Personally I’m sick of both parties and both candidates. I don’t see either one as inspiring, exciting or insightful.
The country and the world are being strangled by the demand for petroleum and there is no talk of alternative energy sources or energy independence. The Earth is dying from pollution and there is no talk of changing our wasteful ways to save the environment or mankind.
Where is the leadership? I certainly don’t see it in the two candidates on the ballot this year. About the only good news is that it really doesn’t make much difference which candidate gets elected, things tend to go on pretty much the same regardless of whom is in the White House.
The US Economy: Where Have the Jobs Gone?
Everything’s on hold right now. Once the election is over, the truth will come out. The US economy is in a world of hurt and this will impact the world economy over the next few years as well.
I do see a transition taking place. In the past people have gone to college with the goal of getting a job. I see this changing as more and more people start their own business instead. This shift in goals and employment has been going on for the last 20 years and is continuing to gain momentum. To some degree I think this fact is below the radar for government statistics and is probably one of the main factors that is keeping the US economy afloat. It’s certainly where the jobs are being created and one of the reasons the employment numbers are down so much. For a large part people aren’t getting jobs, they are starting businesses.
Cleaning in 2004: A Year of Stagnation
Not much happened this year related to cleaning. Oh, green and healthy cleaning continues to evolve, but on a big picture scale. Not much has changed. The unions continue to attempt to force their will on members and employers. In house operations continued to outsource cleaning jobs as budgets shrink.
I saw little or no leadership on the part of industry associations or groups. It was more of the status quo. Hang on to what you’ve got and don’t rock the boat or take any chances on anything risky or innovative. In the mean time the industry and its people continue to suffer from a lack of education, leadership and opportunity.
Maybe I expect too much or am just getting cynical in my old age. We will give it another year, but some how I just don’t expect much to change just because another 12 months go by.
A Movement Toward Cleaning Standards
The idea of establishing national Cleaning Standards has been circulating for several years now. But no one group has the horsepower or speaks for the entire cleaning industry so it’s been pretty difficult to get any agreement on the subject. In fact the Executive Director’s of the Cleaning industries major associations won’t even talk to each other. This lack of communication and cooperation certainly isn’t good for the industry; it’s people or our customers. And it’s got to change. I think what we need is an Association of Cleaning Associations that would speak for the industry as a whole.
Over the last year some jockeying has been taking place. People, groups and manufacturers are posturing for position. Rumor has it that there is a concern that the government (especially if Bush is re-elected) will push for standards, certification and possibly regulations regarding cleaning in commercial and public buildings. This could be in the way of IAQ standards, Green or health cleaning or the LEED program or something like it or an existing association may issue standards that would be seen or accepted as industry wide standards.
In an effort to protect their own interests and to make sure they aren’t left out of the loop, several individuals, companies and groups recently attended a meeting to discuss forming a group known as the “Cleaning Industry Research Institute.”
The ISSA/INTERCLEAN show is in New Orleans on November 16 to 19 this year. By the time you read this it will be too late to attend, but 2005 is another story. It’s the biggest and best cleaning show going in the USA and it’s a shame to miss it. You owe it to yourself to attend. In 2005 it’s in Las Vegas, NV on Oct 18 to 21. If you missed it this year, don’t make the same mistake again next year. Mark you calendar now and plan to attend. And if you get a chance, take time to see Elton John- The Red Piano – at The Colosseum at Caesar’s Palace. He puts on a great show.
One Fast Delete Finger
In marketing we’ve always said that a seller had 10 to 15 seconds to make a pitch that would get the potential buyer attention before he or she turned the page, tossed the letter or showed them the door. In another day, that may have been true. Like everything else, time has sped up the process. Things move more quickly now. With the advent of email and the explosion of Spam, ones pitch time is now much shorter. Maybe 2 to 3 seconds, basically less time than it takes to read five words on the subject matter line.
So the next time you write a sentence, send an email, letter, or brochure, remember to take your best shot in 2 or 3 seconds or the chances are pretty good you’re words will fall prey to the trusty delete button.
Mold Resistant Building Materials
Although the uproar over mold has seemed to cool down a bit over the last year, Georgia-Pacific recently introduced it’s DensGuard / DensGlass family of products that have specially treated mold resistant gypsum cores coupled with encapsulated glass matt that seals out moisture. The product line includes gypsum panels for walls, roofs, sheathing, backer board for tile. For more information call 1-800-225-6119 or on the Internet visit:
Connections Convention and Trade Show
For the third year in a row Larry Cooper and ICS magazine have put together the Connections Convention and Trade Show in Las Vegas, NV. This year it’s being held on November 4, 5 & 6. This is a carpet cleaner’s show. What makes it special is that this year it will attract close to 3000 attendees. Now that is something. In the past carpet cleaning shows or any cleaning show for that matter, have been lucky to attract a couple hundred people. Some regional shows have even been canceled for lack of attendance. Again you’re too late for this year event, but if you’d like information on next years show visit:
Other shows you might want to consider attending:
– Surfaces Carpet and Floor Covering Show 2005, Las Vegas, NV,
January 25 to 28, 2005,
– World of Concrete, (coatings, grinding, polishing, repair and decorative concrete), Las Vegas, NV, January 17 to 21, 2005,
– Building Service Contractors Association, Orlando, FL, April 1 to 5, 2005,
Fast Dry/Cure Finish
Rumor has it that Betco Chemical will introduce a fast dry (less than 10 minutes) floor finish at this year’s ISSA/INTERCLEAN Show. This will be a welcome addition that has the potential to reduce application-drying time by 66% over conventional finishes that are now on the market. That’s a labor savings that will reduce costs or add more profit to your bottom line. The company also offers a line of green chemicals sold under the trade name: Green Earth II. For more information visit: