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Science of Static Control

Electricity plays a key role in our lives. Can you imagine getting to work this morning without it? That would mean no lights, no alarm clock, no heat and a cold shower. Doesn’t sound like much fun does it? An example of static electricity is lightning. When it lights up the sky and crackles with millions of volts of energy, we stand in awe at the power of Mother Nature. These are common examples of electricity that we all recognize and respect. However, very few cleaners see much connection between static electricity and our daily tasks like dusting, sweeping and vacuuming.




The best defense against lost sales, customer endangerment, and costly litigation is an early application of an ice melter followed by a shoveling. The financial liability is too high to let snow and ice build up on surfaces. When things get slick, people slip and fall. Some will get hurt and some may try to sue. Others will simply avoid parking lots and entries where they see ice–and that means they will take their business elsewhere.

The key to effective use of snow and ice melters lies in knowing the capabilities of each type of product and where it can be used best. Educate yourself regarding specific uses for ice melters, how deicers work, what they’re made of and where the different types of deicers should and shouldn’t be used. (more…)


Training For Your Custodial Workers

Some would question the need or wisdom of providing training for cleaning workers. Turnover is high. Cleaning isn’t brain surgery, what we’re talking about is dumping trashcans and mopping floors. Anybody can do that.

From some people’s perspective that may be the case. But comments like that are a sure sign that whoever is speaking doesn’t know what they are talking about. (more…)


Welfare-To-Work Custodial Training

If you could get a tax credit of up to 30% of the wages you pay on half the workers you hire over the next two years, would it help your bottom line? Would this allow you to be more competitive in the market place? How would you like to get something back from the Federal government instead of just paying your taxes each year? Are you interested in tapping into a new source of workers? Would it be helpful if the new workers you hire had completed a training program in professional cleaning before they go on your payroll? (more…)


The Employee And Infection Control

In the past, customers and travelers have selected a place to stay or eat based on factors such as:

  1. Business needs
  2. Vacation objectives
  3. Atmosphere
  4. Convenience
  5. Cost
  6. Cuisine
  7. Location
  8. Special services and athletic facilities.

In general, infection control has not been a major factor in the selection of a lodging or eating establishment. However, today’s travelers are more aware of infectious diseases due to media coverage of food poisoning, Legionnaires’ disease, AIDS, and other serious disease outbreaks. (more…)


Keeping the Cash Flowing When It’s Slow

In most areas of the country window cleaning is seasonal work. When the leaves start to turn those beautiful fall colors and drop to the ground, we know our cash flow will soon start falling as well. Depending on one’s perspective and preparation, this can be a tough time or a welcome relief.

For some the winter months are a great time to migrate to a sunny warm climate and take a vacation for three or four months. For others it’s time to slow down a bit, reflect, plan for the future and recharge your mind and body so you’re ready to go at it full speed ahead come the first of April. (more…)


Business Aspects of Window Cleaning

Websterís dictionary defines an entrepreneur as “A person who organizes and manages a business undertaking, assuming the risk for the sake of the profit.” What does it take to be an entrepreneur? Do you have what it takes? I believe the success of this business relies on integrity and personal responsibility. If you care about your clients and the quality of your work you will most certainly be rewarded with success. (more…)


Restroom Cleaning in the Lodging Industry

Restroom cleaning in a lodging facility can establish total credibility or deter a customer from ever coming back. Keep in mind that in the lodging industry, as far as can be determined by a number of various market studies, the only cleaning standards that exist are for the housekeeper to clean a specific number of rooms in a specific period of time and pass an inspection for appearance before the room is resold.

The good news is that certain hotels are looking at outside contractors to help establish better cleaning routines for the common areas, hallways, banquet rooms, convention halls, etc. These areas have large carpeted or hard surfaces that require special cleaning and maintenance products and procedures to protect and increase the life expectancy of the materials specified. (more…)


The Need for Infection Control

This article is meant to alert lodging and food service personnel to the potential impact of infectious diseases, the risk of cross-contamination, and the need for infection-control programs throughout the hospitality industry. An infection-control program is not only a wise policy from the standpoint of avoiding health risks, but can also be an effective marketing strategy for those individual properties or corporations that seize the initiative.

The food service industry has experienced a phenomenal number of disease-related outbreaks. It is nationally recognized that only five to ten percent of food-related illnesses are reported to local environmental agencies and that the real number of illnesses is at least 25 times that reported. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) feels greater efforts should be made to determine the incidences of all diarrheal and food-borne diarrheal disease. In the hospitality industry, the process of eliminating disease-causing organisms is often taken for granted.



Awning Cleaning

Awning cleaning is largely an untapped market, and may be an excellent add-on service for janitorial contractors, window washers, sign companies, and those wanting to start a new kind of cleaning business. Some industry experts estimate that less than 10 percent of all awnings installed are professionally cleaned and maintained on a regular basis.

Awning use is commonplace on restaurants, strip malls, office buildings, apartment houses and many other types of buildings. The increasing use of fabric awnings has created a need for cleaning, restoration and maintenance. (more…)
