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Cleaning in the USA

International Custodial Advisors Network (ICAN)
A new association has been born. ICAN is for cleaning related consultants, advisors and educators. The goal of the group is to promote it’s members to prospective customers, to improve the cleaning industry and to let others know that professional consultants are available to assist a manager, owner, company or association in solving a cleaning related challenge or problem.

The group has a website with a directory of it’s members and offers an “Ask the Experts” service via Cleaning Management Magazine where anyone can post a question for ICAN members to answer. So far, roughly two or three questions are being posted and answered each day. The group has membership categories for those actively involved as advisors (primary) and others in the industry that support the group’s efforts (associates) such as manufacturers, associations, individuals and publishers. (more…)


Cleaning In the USA

Tomorrow We Chose a President
By the time you read this, it will all be over. Here’s my prediction. Bush by as much as 10%, but more than likely by 5 to 7%. I just don’t see the country electing a peace nic while we are at war. Beyond that, Kerry is too liberal for my liking. I think people should work for what they get, not have it handed to them as the Democratic Party is known for doing.

I find it interesting how divided the country is on this election. Whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, most people tend to be more emotional than logical in their decision as to whom to vote for. Personally I’m sick of both parties and both candidates. I don’t see either one as inspiring, exciting or insightful.

The country and the world are being strangled by the demand for petroleum and there is no talk of alternative energy sources or energy independence. The Earth is dying from pollution and there is no talk of changing our wasteful ways to save the environment or mankind. (more…)


Cleaning In the USA – We Live in Turbulent Times

We Live in Turbulent Times
There are a lot of things going on in the cleaning industry right now. On the surface things may look normal and calm, but behind the scenes the winds of change are picking up speed and the breeze is blowing in your direction.

What’s different this time is that it’s not just chemicals, equipment and processes that are changing. The fundamental structure of the cleaning industry in the USA is evolving and I don’t think anybody knows for sure where it’s going. Most everyone involved has their own agenda and a direction in which they would like to move the industry, but I see that as much easier said than done. As you read this a number of different special interest groups and industry associations are jockeying for position in order to establish themselves as “the clearing house” that will represent the cleaning industry when it comes to developing what are known as industry standards. (more…)


Cleaning in the U.S.A.

California Passes School Restroom Cleaning Law
Some would say only in the US. Others might add, only in California. But the fact remains that effective January 1, 2004; SB 892 became law in the Great State of California. The new law mandates that that all education facilities (private, public, parochial, etc.) from kindergarten through 12th grade must keep open and maintain their restrooms in a safe and sanitary condition. Violation of the revised education code may result in withholding of deferred maintenance funds, as well as the associated negative publicity and community displeasure.

The basic tenets of the bill state: Restrooms are to be maintained, cleaned and stocked with soap and paper supplies at all times. All restrooms are to be kept open during school hours, although individual restrooms may be temporarily closed due to safety, maintenance, or renovation issues. If an organization receives a citation, it has 30 days to “cure” the violation or a process may start to withhold state funding from the educational organization. (more…)


IFMA – Cleaning in the U.S.A.

International Facilities Management Association (IFMA) Show, Dallas, TX
This was a new show for me. Not much different than the Building Owners and Managers (BOMA) Show, except that attendees were primarily building engineers, facilities managers, architects and interior designers. Approximately 6000 people attended the three-day show, which included 250 booths and some 60 seminars in 6 different subject matter tracks. IFMA has 17,000 members worldwide.

The overriding focus of this year’s event was sustainability, environmentally preferred purchasing and green buildings. I was surprised by the number of attendees in the seminars related to these subjects. From what I can see, it appears sustainability issues will play a major role in the way we plan, construct, maintain and utilize buildings in the future. Several of the seminars at the conference dealt with how to get a building certified as “green” under the auspices of the U.S. Green Building Council’s “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” (LEED) program. For more information on this subject visit:


The Economy – Cleaning in the U.S.A.

The Economy
Signals are mixed. There is quite a bit to talk about a recovery or signs of things getting better and key segments of the economy holding their own. But for the most part, on the street, we’re not seeing it yet. Although some areas of the country and market segments remain strong, others are truly suffering from the impact of cutbacks, closings and consolidation. The government is doing what it can to stimulate the economy and encourage growth with tax cuts and keeping the interest rate low, at the same time, jobs are being lost and budgets are being slashed in most market segments. Housing starts and sales remain strong and gas prices have peaked after a 25-cent per gallon increase during September and now appear to be headed down.


Cleaning in the U.S.A.

This is my busiest travel time of the year. There are many shows and conventions taking place around the world so I have been on the move most of the last few months. The Purlire show took me to Verona, Italy, and on the way back to Seattle I stopped in Baltimore for the CMI Expo and to instruct a FCT Certification Seminar. Next, I was back home in Washington to attend the National School Plant Managers Association’s annual convention and trade show in Spokane, WA. Then down to San Francisco, CA for the Building Owners and Manager Associations annual convention. And, even as I write this my bags sit next to me packed and ready for a flight to Long Beach for the CMI West Coast Expo. So, go on a tour with me.


Economy, War, Jobs – Cleaning in the U.S.A.

Economy, War, Jobs
Anyway you look at it these days, things don’t look good. The U.S economy is still on the skids. Every business and customer that I know of is looking for ways to do more with less. In most cases this means reducing labor costs and laying people off. Everyone is hanging on, but it is getting tougher and tougher to do as the days go by. The stock market continues to lose value and is no longer considered a safe investment strategy. Interest rates are so low now, that there isn’t any room left for the government to use them to artificially prop up the economy. The President talks of tax cuts, while at the same time his administration raises the debt limit another trillion or two, so meaningful cut aren’t going to happen anytime soon.


Cleaning in the U.S.A

What’s Your Trade Association Done For You Lately?
Now and then I hear association members complain that about the only things they get from trade association membership is a magazine with advertising that’s 3 months old and an invoice once a year.

Have you heard about the World Floor Covering Association (WFCA)? You can join this group for as little as $150.00 year. But here’s the good news. The WFCA offers two scholarship programs for its members and their children. Through their Trade Scholarship Program a member or member employee attend any industry related seminar or training program of their choosing and the WFCA will pay up to $500.00 of the cost. So last year over 500 members took advantage of the program with over $150.000 being dispersed. This year it looks like even more money will be given out. The group also offers an Academic Scholarship program for children and grandchildren of members that will cover up to $2500 in tuition each year. That program dispersed over $100.000 and will do about the same again this year. Any way you look at it the WFCA has some very attractive member benefits. (more…)


Cleaning in the USA

Summer is a busy time of the year for me. I travel a lot, attending shows and seminars wherever I can find them. In the last couple of months, I’ve been on the road at least three weeks each month, often returning home for a day or two before heading off in search of another learning adventure.
Here are some of the highlights of my June and July travels.
