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Cleaning in the USA

JohnsonDiversey, President and CEO Greg Lawton Talks About the Future
On Friday May 3rd, the sale of Diversey Lever to Johnson Wax Professional became a reality when documents were signed and money changed hands. And on that day JohnsonDiversey became the new global name for the company. The purchase is unique for many reasons, one of which is that Johnson Wax, a $1 billion dollar a year company, bought Diversey Lever, a $1.6 billion dollar a year company.

Having talked with CEO Lawton in Scotland after he spoke at the World Federation of Building Service Contractors Association Congress, I was invited to attend a JohnsonDiversey (JD) press conference with Lawton and other senior executives at the ISSA/INTERCLEAN Show in Amsterdam.


A Time For Education

I think that we all know that employee training is an important and necessary management function and responsibility. It’s difficult if not impossible for an employee or a supervisor to do a good job if management doesn’t take the time to make sure that everyone understands what is expected of them and how “a Good Job” is defined.

I think it’s time to take education in the cleaning industry to a higher level. If you look at any other profession, advanced education is available to those who want it. You can attend a college or university to get an Associate of Arts degree, a Bachelors degree, a Masters or even a Ph.D. in your chosen field. That is not the case in the cleaning industry. In fact, you can barely get a meaningful certificate with your name on it, let alone any formal academic degree. I think that needs to change.

I’d like to challenge some of the large corporations like, 3m, Johnson Wax, Nilfisk-Advance and others who take millions of dollars in profits out of the industry each year to put some of those profits back into the industry as an investment in everyone’s future. This goes for industry trade associations as well. I think it’s time that both groups take a leadership role and fund the establishment of a professorship chair in Cleaning Science at several Universities in the U.S. and several foreign counties.

Oh, I’m sure some will be offended by my comments and challenge, but I don’t care. The way I see it, our industry and the millions of people who clean America’s buildings each day and night will never get the respect they deserve if we don’t establish an upward mobility ladder that provides those who want it, with an opportunity for advanced education that brings with it better pay, recognition, research and factual information.

Ok, Corporate and Association leaders, where are you when it’s time to step up to the plate? Are you willing to support investing money in the future of the cleaning industry or are your pockets the only place you’re willing to put the profits? Hello is anybody listening?

Textile Cleaners of America hold Symposium in Broomfield, CO

Approximately 150 professional cleaners from throughout the U.S, Canada and Australia attended the TCA’s first Commercial Carpet Cleaning Symposium on April 4 & 5.

Speakers covered such subjects as Product Specification, Inspections, Developing a Preventive Maintenance Program, Niche Marketing, Selling Commercial Add On’s, Pricing, Indoor Environmental Quality and other topics of interest. Symposium presenters included such well-known authorities as Jeff Bishop, Barry Costa, Dr. Michael Berry, Carey Mitchell and others.

The program not only included presentations by qualified speakers, but also hands on demonstrations of all the common carpet cleaning processes, as well as an evening workshop format that had groups of cleaners on their hands and knees inspecting, bidding and developing a maintenance program for various areas of the hotel where the event was held. This was truly a hand on event that added several new twists to the process of educating carpet cleaners on how they could better serve the needs of commercial customers with multiple locations in different geographic locations throughout the country.

The event was fast paced and well planned, with plenty of good food for all.

As part of the event, over $5000 was raised and donated to the fight against leukemia and other childhood cancers.

The next TCA Symposium is planned for May of 2003 in Dalton, GA. For more information contact the TCA at 888-990-9952 or visit their website at

Dr. Michael Berry Talks About the Value of Cleaning

Berry, who is well known for his work at the EPA and his book “Cleaning For Health,” spoke at the recent Textile Cleaners Association Symposium in Broomfield, CO, and here are some key points from his presentation.

– What we do as cleaner’s makes a difference in people’s lives and businesses.
– The purpose of business is to create wealth.
– If you know everything about you’re chosen field, you’re on the road to failure.
– Successful businesses capture the trust and loyalty of their customers so they will come back again and again.
– The business of cleaning is about managing indoor environments.
– Over 90% of environmental exposures occur indoors where people spend most of their time.
– Where we spend our time
o Home 60%
o Office or work 30%
o In Transit 6%
o Out of doors 3%
o Other 1%
– Health is a state of well being.
– Unsafe and unsanitary environments can create hopelessness in refugee camps, schools, hospitals, homes and businesses. When this happens people respond with drastic measures as they don’t see any alternative and they have nothing to lose.
– The work place environment plays a key role in employee productivity, and satisfaction as well as business success and profit.
– To achieve success in business you must think of your customer’s outcomes and performance more than your own.
– Get closer to your customer so you can better understand their needs.
– There is a lot of baloney, actually fraudulent material floating around in the cleaning industry. Dig deeper for facts that are based on scientific research and not marketing hype.
– Every environment constantly seeks disorder.
– Unsanitary buildings have health complaints, which impact the financial stability of businesses they house.
– Sensory irritation of the eyes, nose and throat are common health effects associated with a breakdown in cleaning and sanitation.
– Dust levels play a critical role in indoor air quality and building health issues.
– The public should be outraged that most schools, government buildings and public facilities are mismanaged and deteriorating because of it. Unfortunately these facilities are owned by everyone and taken care of by no one.
– Indoor environmental quality affects attitudes, productivity and health of occupants.
– To market your services you must be able to show and explain the cost/benefit relationship to potential customers.
– You can’t improve what you doing if you don’t measure what your doing.
– Dirty carpets support mold and bacteria growth, clean carpets don’t provide a health risk.
– Water and dirty environments are key factors in public and personal health. The single leading source of disease in the world is contaminated water. Your best protection is to keep indoor environments clean and dry.

As ever, Dr. Berry’s presentation was well received and gave everyone in the audience a fresh perspective on the value of cleaning and a few new things to think about.


Cleaning in the U.S.A

Merry Christmas

I trust everyone had a joyous Holiday Season, with lots of food, warmth and good times. I always tell myself that I should practice the cheer, love and giving of Christmas all year long. But I, like others, seem to get back into the groove and before long, I’ve forgotten the Christmas spirit and it’s business as usual. (more…)


Cleaning in the USA

How fast things change in today’s world. In less than 60 days we have come face to face with terrorists snuffing out thousands of innocent lives by blowing up buildings on our shores using our own marvels of technology. Now our mail is infected with anthrax and we are at war with a madman from a land of sand that most people couldn’t find on the map before September 11th. Not good news and not very comforting to anybody who values life, freedom and family, but a reality that peace loving people everywhere must learn to live with on a daily basis.


Cleaning in the USA

It’s not good news. Things are continuing to tighten as companies look for additional ways to reduce costs. This means more layoffs, smaller purchases, and less advertising. As this happens marginal businesses fail, struggling businesses sell and strong businesses merge with one another. I don’t see any end in sight at this time. It wouldn’t surprise me if it takes another 3 to 5 years before we see a true pick up of the economy in the U.S.A. The only way I see us finding a way out of this mess is for businesses to find more efficiencies in the way we operate, provide services and produce products. It’s not going to be pretty, fast or easy. (more…)


Cleaning in the USA

IICRC Carpet Standards Revision Committee Meets in Virginia

The last official meeting of the committee was held in Williamsburg, VA immediately following the International Society of Cleaning Technicians (ISCT) Convention on July 15. Committee members had lengthy discussions on a number of topics that ranged from who should vacuum the carpet and what equipment should be used to whether the word “should” or “must” was the most appropriate term to use in various phrases of the standard. Everyone agreed that pre-cleaning vacuuming must be done and should be emphasized throughout the standard.

The committee discussed and then recommended recognizing and adding the “Mist and Scrub” method to the standard. Changes where suggested to wording related to how and where to clean area rugs. It was pretty much agreed that the standard should outline how carpet cleaning should be done under ideal conditions, yet allow technicians some discretion, depending on the specific circumstances of each job. (more…)


Cleaning in the USA

Last month I attended the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) convention in Baltimore, MD. It was held June 23rd to 25th at the McCormick Place Convention Center. Approximately 2500 people attended and visited the 376 companies that had 544 booths in the 53,000-sq. ft. exhibit hall. I attended because knowing what building owners and managers are doing gives me a better understanding of that side of the industry and how what’s happening there will impact cleaning contractors and suppliers. I would mention that one sanitary supplier (Leonard Paper Company of Baltimore, MD) had a booth at the show. Other exhibitors included NiSSCO/, Afflink, Ettore, and Cleaning Management Magazine; along with about a dozen contract cleaning firms including ABM, Coverall, Service Master and Jani-King.


Cleaning in the USA

Watch Pro-Team Inc.

This month I got a behind the scenes look at Pro-Team Inc. in Boise, ID. Pro-Team is famous for it’s backpack vacuums and as the originator of the Team Cleaning process. Although I have previously toured their manufacturing plant and offices, I’m always amazed at the efficiency of the operation. This time I was particularly impressed with how much the company has grown and expanded its line of backpack vacuums over the last four years. (more…)


Preventing Slip And Fall Injuries And Liability


Slips and falls are the leading cause of death and injury in the work place, with 1,500 deaths and 300,000 injuries a year. 80% of employees who fall will lose days from work, and 12% have to be hospitalized. These accidents can cause broken bones, strained muscles, twisted/dislocated joints (knees, hips, ankles, shoulders), head injury and spinal damage. The average compensation from an employee’s fall injury is $4,700 and average medical expenses are $2,000. (more…)


Cleaning Industry News

HOST School Dates Set
Professional cleaners, building service contractors, facility managers, executive housekeepers, carpet mill technical service reps and mill salespeople are invited to attend the HOST basic school and Masters Course (graduate school) sessions. Dates for the January, February and March educational training sessions have been announced by Geoffrey Greeley, Director of Training for Racine Industries, Inc. Those attending the schools can earn Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) or Continuing Education Credits (CEC’s). The HOST School provides technical instruction in care, cleaning and total maintenance programming for commercial and residential carpeting. The different fibers, textures, and structures of carpet, and the cleaning requirements and maintenance planning steps for each type are reviewed in detail. Each school also includes a section on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ).

