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Government Bid Sources

Washington Construction Bulletin, published by Construction Market Data, a Southam Company, at (800) 424-3996, or (425) 822-1291, is published weekly. If you want to pursue jobs in construction clean up, or want to be aware of where new facilities are being developed and who will be contracting out the services, it carries all the information you need to make bids including who to contact, location, etc. Construction Market Data is headquartered in Atlanta, GA, and has offices in 25 states.

Interior Decision Systems, at (800) 795-7483 carries demographic information. Their data is based on projections from the most recent census.

Government Prime Contracts Monthly, available through Government Data Publications, lists names and addresses of companies awarded government bids. Includes agency, description of material, quantity, contract number and amount. It also provides contact information for government agencies and prime contractors, and shows which prime contractors are most active. One year subscription $96.

Directory of Prime Contractors is also available through Government Data Publications, for $15.

Governing Magazine: Annual Resource Directory. This monthly publication puts out an annually updated resource directory, The State and Local Sourcebook, listing the biggest contractors to the federal government and other useful information. This directory lists private sector vendors in the Facilities Management/Maintenance category that contract to the government, including contact information.

ph: (202) 862-8802 fx (202) 862-0032.

Contract Hunter

This company helps you find government contracts, prepare proposals, and will even help with post-award support.:

DKA (Desutter, Kerr & Associates)

5114 Okeecholoee Blvd, Suite 109, West Palm Beach, FL 33417

ph: 561-640-9171 fx: 561-640-9143

Jet Propulsion Laboratory puts on an annual high-tech business conference for small, minority and women-owned businesses. The purpose is to increase knowledge and skills in competing in the federal government and prime contractor sectors and to meet federal, state and city government representatives to discuss contract potentials. The conference provides workshops on the following topics: “How to Reach End-Users”; “How to Do Business with Prime Contractors”; “Technology Commercialization”; “U.S. SBA Programs”; and “Writing a Winning Proposal”.

To get information on these opportunities, write to:

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Business Opportunities Office


M/S 190-205, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91009-8099


PH: (818)354-7531 FAX: (818)393-1746

Helpful Government Publications

The following list of books is an example of the types of books the government publishes about itself. You can contact the Government Printing Office to obtain a catalog of titles.

Guide to Defense Contract Finance Regulations for Small Business, Small Disabled Business and Women-Owned Business contains policy information and sells for $2.00.

Subcontracting Opportunities with DOD Major Prime Contractors is a state-by-state listing of small business liaisons and major prime contractors used by the DOD. This one is fairly substantial and sells for $15.00.

How to Sell to the United States Department of Commerce is a brief look at how the USDOC buys goods and services.

The United States Government Subscription Catalog is a quarterly publication that lists government titles that are available and how to order them. To obtain quarterly editions of the United States Government Subscription Catalog, write to the Government Printing Office. You can also contact the Department of Defense for DOD-related books and a catalog of available titles. It has a guide for private industry called “How to Obtain Specifications and Standards from the Department of Defense Single Stock Point,” which can be useful.

The Federal Government: All Federal procurement offices are required to announce in the Commerce Business Daily proposed procurement actions of $25,000 and contract awards over $25,000 that are likely to result in the award of any subcontracts on a Nationwide basis.

NASA Nationwide source of all NASA synopses and solicitations for business opportunities with NASA.


SBA Lists federal procurements and operates a bulletin Board at 206-553-7045.

The Federal Marketplace Offers free and subscription services for selling to the government and for obtaining regulations including FAR. Has a link to the CBD. (ph: 800-661-4094)

Globus International procurement market place for U.S. businesses.

Publication Sources:

Government Printing Office

Superintendent of Documents

P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954

Call (202)512-1800 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Eastern Time to inquire about the government bookstore nearest you. There are 24 stores nationwide.

Department of Defense Printing Office


Subscription Services Desk

700 Robins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094

(215) 697-2569 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.

Electronic Commerce Information Center


Government Data Publications, Inc.

1155 Connecticut Avenue NW,

Washington, DC, 2077-6106.


Recommended Additional Reading:

A Building Service Contractor’s Guide to Winning Government Contracts

1994, BSCAI, available through Cleaning Consultant Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 1273, Seattle, WA 98111

ph: (206) 682-9748 fx: (206) 622-6876.

How to Sell and Price Contract Cleaning

Cleaning Consultant Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 1273, Seattle, WA 98111

ph: (206) 682-9748 fx: (206) 622-6876.

How to Obtain Specifications and Standards from the Department of Defense Single Stock Point – A Guide for Private Industry Guide 1

Department of Defense Printing Office

Index of Federal Specifications, Standards and Commercial Item Descriptions, Government Printing Office

Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards

Government Printing Office

Government Prime Contracts Monthly

Government Data Publications, Inc.,

1155 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 2077-6106.

Directory of Prime Contractors, Government Data Publications, Inc.,

1155 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 2077-6106.

Procurement Forecast Fiscal Year 1996, U.S. Department of Transportation Small and Disadvantaged Business Center,

400 Seventh Street S.W., Room 9410, Washington, DC 20590

ph: (202) 366-1930 or (800) 532-1169;

fx: (202) 366-7538.

Governing: 1996 Resource Directory. Congressional Quarterly, Inc.,

2300 N. St. N.W., Suite 760, Washington, DC 20037

ph: (202) 862-8802, (800) 288-7303

fx: (202) 862-0032.


U.S. Department of Commerce

Bureau of Export Administration

Resource Matching Program

Washington DC Office

U.S. Department of Commerce

Washington, DC 20230

PH: (202)482-5324

FAX: (202)482-5650


Western Regional Headquarters

3300 Irvine Ave, Suite 345, Newport Beach, CA 92660-3198

PH: (714)660-1960




GSA Business Service Centers by region:

Region 1

Connecticut, Main, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont

GSA Business Service Center

10 Causeway St.

Boston, MA 02222

(617) 565-8100

Region 2

New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands

GSA Business Service Center

26 Federal Plaza

New York, NY 10278

(212) 264-1234

Region 3

Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia

GSA Business Service Center

100 Penn Square East

Philadelphia, PA 19107

(215) 656-5525

Region 4

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee

GSA Business Service Center

401 West Peachtree St.

Atlanta, GA 30365-2550

(404) 331-5103

Region 5

Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin

GSA Business Service Center

230 South Dearborn St.

Chicago, IL 60604

(312) 353-5383

Region 6

Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska

GSA Business Service Center

1500 East Bannister Road

Kansas City, MO 64131

(816) 926-7203

Region 7

Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

GSA Business Service Center

819 Taylor St, Room 11A09

Ft Worth, TX 76102

(817) 334-3484

Region 8

Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming

GSA Business Service Center

Building 41, Room 145

Denver Federal Center

Denver, CO 80225

(303) 236-7408

Region 9

Northern California, Hawaii, Nevada

GSA Business Service Center

525 Market St.

San Francisco, CA 94105

(415) 744-5050

Region 10

Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington

GSA Business Service Center

400 15th St. S.W., Room 2413

Auburn, WA 98001

(253) 931-7956

(Editor’s Note: This information was excerpted from our Professional Cleaning Report #52, which is actually much more in-depth, covers 29 pages, and has recently been updated and revised. To order a copy for $10, call Cleaning Consultant Services at 206-682-9748)
